Follow these easy 3 magic steps to win multiple times in your lottery games

This couple didn't have to ask why there weren't winning!   Photo: Mega Millions

Every day millions of lottery players ask each other basically the same question.

These unhappy players ask again and again: "How can I win more often?"

I have the answer. But I’m not talking about ways that seem to be illegal, such as the winners who claim over 100 or more prizes as explained in this USA Today video:

So what's the secret to multiple winnings?

When players ask why they have a low win rate, I find it’s down to this question: How often do they play? They tell me it's usually:

  • Once in a while, or

  • Every week but with 3 tickets.

So here the Three Magic Steps to winning more often, and faster:

1) Play the lotto game that has the smallest number of balls and numbers.

This gives you the greatest odds of winning. If you've been buying $10 in each weekly game, then save up for a month and spend $40 in one game.

The boost in improving your odds increases each time you increase your entry fee - the ticket purchases.

The more tickets you win in a small number game, the better your chances are for a higher value prize.

2) Buy as many tickets as you can afford.

With every extra ticket the percentage chance of it being a high value ticket rockets. When you get just one prize ticket, the odds of it being a big prize is a low milions to one.

But each winning ticket after that in the same game increases your odds by a factor of 1000s. The more winning tickets the better your eventual odds are.

3) Don't play too often with small amounts.

Play only when you can invest the maximum number of lines in each game.

You can play less often - but only if you use more tickets. This prevent s you wasting your chances simply because you want to play regularly, but can’t afford to.

After the win

And finally, when you do get a number of wins, mark the occasion by doing this:

  • When you get a sizable winning either in multiple tickets or a large win, ask the lotto store to give you back your tickets. Some stores won’t - you have to ask.

  • Lay out the tickets on your kitchen bench and photograph them. Then use that photo as your phone or computer screensaver.

  • Keep your biggest winning ticket folded in your wallet so you'll see it each time you open it.

These will act as motivators to keep you going when you don’t win. And as everyone knows, persistence is one of the biggest success factors!