Poll shows the surprising things lottery winners would do after their windfall


Ruth Breen won £1 million in a EuroMillions lottery jackpot, then went back to work within days of collecting her check.

Job finder firm CareerBuilder recently polled more than 3,000 workers in the United States and found out a surprising fact ... why so many people choose to stay employed even if they were rolling in lotto cash.

  • 77 percent said they’d be bored if they didn’t work.

  • 76 percent said work gives them a sense of accomplishment.

  • 42 percent said they want financial security in addition to their winnings.

  • 23 percent said they’d miss their co-workers.

44-year-old Michigan railroad engineer Donald Lawson said he quit his job and told family members to do the same when he learned he had won a Powerball jackpot of $337 million.

But for those who would quit their jobs…

  • 48 percent said they would give the proper and standard two-week notice, or would be willing to stay until their company could find a replacement.

  • 13 percent said they would resign the day they won the lottery.

  • 3 percent said they would tell off their boss when they quit.

  • 2 percent said they would just not show up for work at all.

READ MORE: The revealing reason why many lottery winners happily go back to their old jobs